# About me When I was born in 1981, I did not possess too many engineering skills except for curiosity and eager to learn. I have been learning for my entire life and I cannot stop. I have learned what responsibility is at a quite tender age. I was 11 years old when my father died and I started to work over summers to support my family. I have learned what the feature of self-sufficiency is when I finished high-school and my mother did not have money to send me to the university. I made up a simple plan: earn my own money to go to university and work hard to have a scholarship during the studies. I started to look for a job and I won a contest for a secondary school mathematics teacher position. There were not more than three persons who believed that I would still follow my plan to go to university the next year. Of course, I did it and after the second year I was the first one in the department of “Automatic Control and Industrial Informatics” of the “Automatic Control and Computer Science” faculty of Iasi. In faculty I have studied control theory, topics like system identification and control strategies. I have put this into practice for my diploma thesis when I engineered a “Real-Time Nonlinear Model Based Predictive Control of a DC-DC converter using a Digital Signal Processor”. When I obtained my first job I had no idea what is a V-model, design patterns or safety critical systems development. Now, after more than fifteen years in the Automotive Industry, I can argue about the advantages and disadvantages or limitations of using the V-model during both prototyping and series development. During these years I have designed, implemented and tested components for Electronic Braking Systems, I was responsible for the software integration, managed small development teams and designed automated test environments. Currently I develop software applications for the automotive industry and I help individuals and teams to improve their software development skills. I am interested in engineering software product lines, software architecture and build systems. ## A rough timeline ```{include} timeline.md ```